Easy to pick up and put down, and read not necessarily in a linear way, my copy is now covered in highlights and markers. One marked passage reads: ‘The arts can help us learn how to pay attention. I’ve discovered that looking at art, listening to music or a poem, reading a descriptive passage in a novel, or viewing a film can force me to slow down, quiet my restless thoughts, and open myself to a moment of revelation. A moment when I can see the wonder in the ordinary.
Because, in a very real sense, nothing is ordinary.’
This quote comes from the section headed Coming Awake: Teaching Us to Pay Attention, and the book is split into 11 chapters considering elements like Digging for Deeper Meanings, Bringing the Scriptures to Life, Awakening a Passion for Justice and Assisting Us in Prayer and Contemplation.
Liberally illustrated in colour, which you may not expect from a paperback even if it IS about art, this is a nicely designed book with strategically placed quotes among the pages and questions and spiritual exercises at the end of each chapter. I highly recommend this to a very wide readership. It’s certainly a book which will remain not only on my shelf, but also often be on my desk or coffee table within easy reach for reference or reflection.
(First published in Together Magazine, May/June21 issue)
9780802419972, Moody Publishers