Monday 25 February 2019

New Every Day: Navigating Alzheimers by Dave Meurer

This is a warm and engaging book filled with practical wisdom, hard-earned as the author and his wife Dale have walked the paths of caring for both of Dale’s parents.  Dale’s father has passed away, but her mother Karin is still living with the challenges her disease brings both to her and those who love her.  

I never thought that a book on Alzheimer’s would make me laugh, but this one did.  (If in doubt, turn to the chapter titled ‘Driven to Distraction’!)

Karin is described wonderfully throughout this book and her personality shines through, even in her confused state of mind.  Much useful detail comes across as Dave describes the various stages of her illness, but Karin always comes across as a person of value, and not simply as a case study.  

There are a number of chapters of detailed  practical information.  Although some of the specifics in these don’t relate to the UK systems (such as details of Medicare), the general issues do translate over here too.  As someone who in the last twelve months has set up a Power of Attorney for a close family member, I can relate to the advice given about this, even though the ‘how to do it’ is slightly different over here, for example.

I would highly recommend this to the UK reader.  Even with the elements which are very US specific taken into account, there is much here of use to anyone facing the journey of caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s.  The humour within the book is perfectly placed.  It is never over the top, and never points fun at either sufferer or carer. But it lifts the book, and made me laugh out loud several times, while at the same time educating me.   While not shying away from the stresses and sadness of the progress of this disease, Dave talks a lot about finding the positives ‘in the moment’, and there is mention of Karin’s faith and certainty of where she is going after her death. That said, this is not a book which pushes religion to vulnerable people, and would be of value to many, Christian or not.

Publication Date: January 2019.  9780800734756, £9.99, paperback

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